Curatorial | Writing
Lisa Moren describes her work-in-progress “Deep Star” which looks at the emergent strategies and the 'umwelt' of other species. It’s a five-channel video/audio and assemblage in live conversation with the Chesapeake Bay.
International Symposium, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, where presenters include Lisa Moren's scholarly work "Emergent Strategies Under the Bay in AR/XR." November 30, 2023.
The publication is forthcoming.
"Emergent Strategies Under the Bay in AR/XR" 2023
“Under the Bay” and “What is the Shape of Water?” by Lisa Moren and Dr. Tsvetan Bachvaroff are part of Moren’s series of cross-species artworks aimed at diminishing human-centered exceptionalism.
Spectrum: 2022 Visual Arts Faculty Exhibition, featuring work by Lynn Cazabon, Kathy Marmor, and Lisa Moren.

Artists panel What is the Shape of Water? by Lisa Moren with marine biologist Dr. Tsetso Bachvaroff.
Lisa Moren, renowned American artist, and Chris Barr, Director of Arts and Technology Innovation at Knight Foundation, come together for this conversation around augmented and mixed reality experiences that take place in an outdoor setting and use the physical space and urban life interactions as the main narrative engine. Moderated by Émilie F. Grenier of Thinkwell Studio Montréal.
10 Light City art installations that involve tech, science and public participation. A review by Stephen Babcock
Entering a dark room, viewers look above as thousands of dinoflagellates light up through a system that’s activated by the human voice, then triggers audio transcribed from DNA. Moren said the exhibit is an exploration of humans and non-human organisms sharing the same space.
Left to rot: the new global effort to preserve lost monuments by Nate Berg
From a railway run by children in Ljubljana to brutalist monuments in the Balkans, the Nonument Group maps abandoned 20th-century architecture… Moren and the Nonument Group developed an interactive augmented reality app that enables users to use a smartphone or tablet to move through a digital version of the fountain and hear stories from people who used the site.
The Urgency of Reality in a Hyper-Connected Age Curated by Dena Eber
An exhibition showcases artworks that question, illustrate, embrace, make predictions or otherwise challenge the notion of what it means to define the “real” in our quickly evolving landscape of connectivity.
Best of Baltimore ::
Best Public Art 2018
Remember McKeldin Fountain, where people spoke freely about war, racial inequality, and police brutality? The beloved fountain was bulldozed in 2016, but artists Lisa Moren and Jaimes Mayhew found a way to preserve it.
Brutalist Building Finds Life After Demolition
by Ed Gunts
“We set out to make an experience that would claim public space and celebrate the people who used it… I hope Baltimoreans will feel like they own this as 21st century monument to everyday people, that this is part of their city now…No other city has a monument like this.”
Image: “NONUMENT 01:: McKeldin Fountain” screen still from augmented reality app. © nonument01 2018.
Baltimore’s McKeldin Fountain Returns as an App
A review by Fern Shen
A virtual monument celebrates the civic gathering place that city leaders demolished in 2016
Image: Republic Square, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Public event for augmented reality app “NONUMENT 01:: McKeldin Fountain”, Photograph by Kaja Brezočnik.
© nonument01, February 21 2018.
This Augmented Reality App Creates a Virtual Monument to McKeldin Fountain
A review by Stephen Babcock
NONUMENT 01::McKeldin Fountain is a virtual monument that memorializes the fountain, … The app aims to show how people from all walks of life gathered at the fountain and adjoining plaza with one focus being its role as a “free speech zone” where movements like Black Lives Matter and Occupy gathered.
Image: “NONUMENT 01:: McKeldin Fountain” augmented reality still. Courtesy of the artists. © nonument01, 2017.
With Augmented-Reality App, Artists [Virtually] Revive the Demolioshed McKeldin Fountain
A review by Ethan McLeod
Image: Maura Callahan holding an iPad like a protest sign and bringing back McKeldin Fountain. McKeldin Square, May 19 2018. Photograph by Timothy Nohe. © nonument01, May 19 2018.
NONUMENT Group in Njihova Prva Umetniška Akcija
Featuring Neja Tomšic and Lisa Moren on the exhibition NONUMENT 01:: McKeldin Fontana at the City Museum in Ljubljana. February 20, 2018.
10 Tries :: Field Poems :: Psychotechnologies of Care, Algorithms of Attention
by Kyle Booten
Features a collaborative poem by Lisa Moren and Maro Pebo entitled “a two-hour walk to generate a poem” created at the Fake News Poetry Workshop at the Ammerman Center 16th Biennial Symposium on Arts & Technology February 15, 2018.
Algorithmic Pollution::Artists Working with Dataveillance and Societies of Control
by Lisa Moren
On artists who reveal the nature of government and corporate relationships to meta-data and private data. Featuring Jill Magid, Chris Csikszentmihalyi, David Rokeby, Beatriz de Costa with Preemptive Media, Force of Freedom, Whitefeather, Hasan Elahi and others.
Image: "Stranger Vision" by Heather Dewey Hagborg, detail of installation from Cyber In Securities, 2013.
Cyber InSecurities
by Mark Jenkins
“Cyber In Securities” should be one of the fall’s most discussed local exhibitions. The idea for the show, at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery, preceded Edward Snowden’s leaks about the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs.
Image: "PolyCopRiotNode" augmented reality project [screen capture] by Channel TWo [CH2]: Adam Trowbridge and Jessica Westbrook, with Jesus Duran. from Cyber In Securities, Pepco Edison Place Center, September 2013.
CYBER IN\\SECURITIES is a catalog on the exhibition addressing privacy, meta-data and dark side of security in culture.
Curated by Lisa Moren
Artists include David Rokeby, Heather Dewey-Hagborg, Hasan Elahi, Beatriz de Costa with Premptive Media and others.
Image: "and all watched over by machines of loving grace" an interactive video installation using a computer, software, large monitors and a sensor [detail] by Donna Szoke and Ricarda McDonald. Courtesy of the artist 2013.

Randall Packer’s Interview with Lisa Moren [excerpt]
Presented by the Capital Fringe Festival broadcast on July 28, 2012.
Everything is Intertwingled::New Perspectives on Computer Art History and a Community of Users
by Lisa Moren
Published by Inter Arts Actual, 109, 50 Years of Media Art. Montréal, Québec. Canada.
Image: Diagram by Ted Nelson [Computer Lib \\ Dream Machines, p. 45, 1974] Courtesy of the AOK Special Collections Library, UMBC, Baltimore MD.
Marbleized Oil From the Gulf of Mexico
by Lisa Moren
With an Introduction by Norie Neumark, Phd. A book featuring 22 Marbleized papers created from the oil in the Gulf of Mexico during the BP Oil spill where the Deep Water Horizon rig devastated the Gulf of Mexico.
Image: Photograph of the artist collecting oil in Bastian Bay, Louisiana by Captain Patrick. June 12, 2010.
A first-person story of the BP oil spill that devastated the region and plates of the work-on-paper produced from the eye-witness account of the artist. An introduction by Norie Neumark and published by the Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture
⌘Z: Artists Working with Phenomena and Technology
Curated by Lisa Moren
An exhibition and catalog featuring Paul DeMarinis, Nina Katchadourian, Ingrid Bachmann, Émile Morin and Jocelyn Robert for the Center for Art Design and Visual Culture [CADVC]. Published and distributed by D.A.P. [Distributed Art Press, Inc., NY].
An exhibition and catalog featuring Paul DeMarinis, Nina Katchadourian, Ingrid Bachmann, Émile Morin and Jocelyn Robert for the Center for Art Design and Visual Culture [CADVC]. Image above “The Portable Sublime” by Ingrid Bachmann. Curated by Lisa Moren
by Émile Morin & Jocelyn Robert
Disclavier Piano, MAX/MSP, mac mini, audio and projection.
by Paul DeMarinis
Image: "One Bird" [detail] by Paul DeMarinis. 57 in. high. Mixed media including: oxyacetylene gas, potassium ions, Bunson burner, birdcage, mp3 player, and circuitry. Courtesy of the artist.
and Indecision on the Moon by Nina Katchadourian
Popcorn machine, popcorn, microphone, MAX/MSP, audio.
and The Portable Sublime by Ingrid Bachmann
Found shoes, solenoid motors, arduino, hardware.
The Shape of the Stone is Stoneshaped
by Lisa Moren
An essay between the generations of fluxes artist Dick Higgins and media artist David Rokeby.
Image: The Giver of Names [screen shot] by David Rokeby [1998-present]. Image courtesy of the artist.
A 5-channel audio video installation with live data from the Chesapeake Bay. Work in progress, 2024.
Plexiglass, Arduino system, AV system, bio-matter, water, misc. Variable size, with Dr. Tsvetan Bachvaroff, 2019-2023.
Animations using particles in 3D space in collaboration with composers, 2021-2022.
An intaglio series of prints made from a non-electric drawing machine [harmonograph]. Printed with hand-made pigments mined by the artist. 2012-2014.
Intalglio etching print on rag paper, pigment mined by the artist from the Australian outback, bot retrieving live data from the stock market describing the red ochre ore has diminished 16% in value since it was mined.
Chesapeake Bay Water Lipstick, Ash Lipstick for post-911 New Yorkers & Flinders Ranges Body Pigments. 2005-2012.
22 Marbleized papers made from oil collected during the BP Oil spill from the Gulf of Mexico that devastated the region. 22x30” each. 2010.
A book under the same name is published and available as a pdf
Performance creating hand-made watercolors from Baltimore City’s harbor. Transmodern festival, 2010.
Interactive video performance. Live chat, midi input, hand-made sensors, light resisters and candles. IRC Fellows with visual art, music, and theater students, 2009.

The hour when analog tv was turned off forever. 14 monitors, June 16, 2009. Special thanks to Christian Valiente.

Interactive video installation. Moving a flashlight down the bowling ally edits the video where the pins used to fall. Music. With the IRC Fellows, 2008.

Interactive audio installation, force sensing resistors, software, sienna types that fade. 2003-2008.

Interactive audio installation. Charcoal, paper, force resisting sensors, Isadora software, audio. 2005.

Lemon, almond oil, beeswax, electronics, Isadora software, security camera, 2000.